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Speaker for the Digitalising Manufacturing Conference announced

25th May 2017
Lanna Deamer


Juergen Maier will be the headline speaker at this year’s enhanced Digitalising Manufacturing Conference at the Manufacturing Technology Centre. The conference, now in its third year, has also expanded to two days and will be held at the MTC’s facility near Coventry on 30th October and 31st October.

The new look conference, entitled Driving competitiveness and productivity of UK industry through digitalisation, will feature seminars, workshops, panel discussions, exhibits and networking opportunities. The programme will explore policy driving the digital era and also provide key information and know-how for businesses looking to be part of this must-do technological revolution.

Keynote speaker Prof Maier, Chief Executive of Siemens UK and one of the UK’s leading figures on digitalising manufacturing, has been tasked by the UK Government department BEIS to lead a new review on Industrial Digitalisation for UK Manufacturing. He said: “Digitalising manufacturing is a massive opportunity to transform our industry into one of the most productive and competitive in the world.

“If we get it right, we will raise prosperity, increase exports and create more jobs than we displace through the implementation of the digital technologies themselves.

“Getting it wrong, would mean we see a further decline of our manufacturing sector as we progress through the next decade. That would be irresponsible, so please come along to this conference and join the movement to be at the forefront of this digital manufacturing revolution!”

The schedule of this year’s event is expected to attract a widespread audience - particularly end users and SMEs, with the two day programme having a strong focus on how businesses can be fully prepared to be part of the future digital landscape. Under the stewardship of Maier, the opening day will examine policy, skills and best practice with the final day focussing on how to drive digitisation in business."

Dr Lina Huertas, Head of Technology Strategy for Digital Manufacturing at the MTC, has hailed this year’s event a ‘must attend’ for those businesses about to embark on their digitalisation journey. She said: “This conference is one of the few in the UK that has an end user focus. This year we have expanded the programme to include a whole day dedicated to the practical side so individual manufacturers can get information that is valuable for them in that process.

“This conference will provide the right information, help understand the potential barriers and what to do when that happens. In addition, the conference will still maintain a policy element that has been well received in recent years, with an array of international speakers being lined up.

“Finally, we are also looking forward to welcoming Juergen Maier to the MTC. He will be attending on both days and it will interesting to hear what he has to say as he really is at the forefront of digitalising manufacturing. He has a perspective of where digital is, where it came from and he can position it in both a commercial and political context.”

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