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Passive and active devices on show at micro photonics in Berlin

6th October 2016
Anna Flockett

This year’s micro photonics will see the Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute HHI presenting its latest solutions of photonic components. Fraunhofer HHI enables an own design of InP-based Photonic Integrated Circuit (PIC) containing passive and active devices on one substrate. It is possible to choose from a range of proven building blocks, such as 40GHz receivers, 20GHz transmitters, and 1dB/cm passive waveguides.

Low-cost multi-project-wafer-run-based PICs are already commercially available through Jeppix and customer-specific private runs can be realised on demand. Dedicated design and layout software is provided, and several packaging partners are available.

Providing DFB lasers, gain chips and SOAs with flip chip capability for hybrid integration on Si-Platforms, Fraunhofer HHI have single devices and arrays, which are offered for lateral and vertical coupling schemes. InGaAsP and InGaAlAs are used as active MQW layer and operating wavelengths range from 1270-1650nm.

The PolyBoard integration platform allows for rapid prototyping, short iteration cycles and low upfront development effort. Fraunhofer HHI's technology allows the integration of on-chip free space elements, 3D structures, graphene electro-absorption modulators, as well as other optical functionalities such as switches, variable optical attenuators, and tunable lasers.

These highlights can be found at the Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute HHI booth, which is 207 in Hall 7.2C.

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