Mouser reveals Create the Future Design finalists
Mouser Electronics has announced the finalists for the 21st Create the Future Design Contest, a global challenge to engineers and innovators around the world to design the next great thing.
The competition is produced by SAE Media Group, an SAE International Company, and Tech Briefs magazine. COMSOL is also a principal sponsor of the contest.
"Congratulations to these outstanding finalists. Empowering innovation is at the heart of what we do here at Mouser," said Kevin Hess, Mouser Electronics’ Senior Vice President of Marketing. "We are proud of our longstanding support for the Create the Future Design Contest and the many innovations it has inspired through the years.”
The following finalists will compete on November 10 in New York City for the $25,000 Grand Prize.
For more information on the finalists and their designs, visit
A New Treatment Approach for Spinal Cord Injury
Ganaio High-Output Regenerative Damper
Sustainable Technology:
Leakproof Valve
Robotics & Automation:
Patchflow-Robotics for In-Pipe Leak Repair
Safely Watch and Prioritize Maintenance with AI Deep Learning and Low-Cost Passive RF Wireless Vibratory Strain Sensors
Manufacturing & Materials:
TenseFlatables: 3D Printed Tensegrity-Assisted Inflatable Structures
Aerospace & Defence:
Zulu Pods Are the World’s First Decentralised Lubrication System