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Latest networks and components on show at Photonics West

26th January 2017
Alice Matthews

At this year's Photonics West Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute HHI will present its latest developments in the area of photonic components and photonic networks and systems. The following highlights will be on show at the Fraunhofer booth 4629-28.

InP foundry services – photonic integration toolbox 

Fraunhofer HHI enables self-configuration of InP Based Photonic-Integrated Circuit (PIC) containing passive and active devices on one substrate with a quick turn-around time of three months. Choose from a range of proven building blocks, such as 40GHz receivers, 20GHz DMLs and EAMs, and 1dB/cm passive waveguides. Low-cost multi project wafer-run-based PICs are already commercially available through Jeppix and customer specific private runs can be realised on demand. Dedicated design and layout software is provided, and several packaging partners are available.

Terahertz sensing – Non-destructive, contact free measurements with Terahertz
Terahertz radiation is increasingly being used in the industrial environment for purposes of material investigation. Layer thicknesses of coatings, the geometry of polymer components or imperfections in non-conductive materials can be investigated. Another field of application is the spectroscopic investigation of gases.

PolyBoard foundry services
The PolyBoard integration platform allows for rapid prototyping, short iteration cycles and low upfront development effort. The technology allows the integration of on-chip free space elements, 3D structures, graphene electro-absorption modulators, as well as other optical functionalities such as switches, variable optical attenuators, tunable lasers, and flexible high frequency and optical interconnects. Come to the Fraunhofer booth to learn about services including simulation, CAD, technology development, device manufacturing, characterisation and qualification.

High-speed real-time digital signal processing platform
Highly flexible FPGA-based development and demonstration platform for signal processing algorithms and real-time data transmission. The platform includes 65GSa/s DACs, 56GSa/s ADCs, 100GbE-class optical interfaces and Virtex Ultrascale/Ultrascale+ FPGA processing capabilities in a robust, 19’’ housing.

Visible light communication up to 1 Gbit/s
LED-lamps, normally used for lighting purposes, securely transmit data at high speed and low latency even in environments where radio encounters difficulties. The standard RJ45 interface enables the fast integration into existing networks and the use for different applications like distribution of high-definition video streaming as well as two-way communication.

Optical thin glass seal - Planar thin glass seals with optical fibre interface for monitoring tamper attacks on security eminent components
Physical protection of sensible, security eminent electronics is very important and increasingly challenging for many private companies or public institutions. The financial damage or the consequences (e.g. data manipulation or data recordings) of an unrecognised attack can be huge. Hence, together with OHB systems, Fraunhofer HHI has developed an optical seal of thin glass, covering central electronic chips on boards, which for example are responsible for the encoding of data. The state of optical seals, by meaning the signature of the seal, can be proofed simply via glass fibre connector and tamper attacks are recognised immediately.

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