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End-to-end ecosystem guides engineers at EDS 2018

10th October 2018
Mick Elliott

Avnet Silica will join forces with Farnell element14 at the Electronic Design Show in Coventry (October 17-18) to showcase Avnet’s end-to-end ecosystem which provides customers with support at every stage of the product lifecycle (Stand G42). Visitors will see an Avnet Silica demo station dedicated to hardware development kits tailored by its applications team.

These working solutions solve many current design challenges faced by engineers with particular focus on getting data to the cloud using cellular connectivity -- in particular LPWA technologies including NBIoT or LTE CATM1. Farnell element14 will be presenting the latest development kits and tools from Raspberry Pi, Arduino and Beaglebone, as well as 3D printers from MakerGear.

Attendees can also see solutions for selected applications and market segments developed by a number of electronic semiconductor component manufacturers.

Avnet Silica and Farnell element14 have partnered with the following key suppliers at EDS: Infineon, Maxim Integrated, Microchip, NXP, ON Semiconductor and Xilinx. Each of these suppliers will have a demo station to display solutions for various technologies and applications.

Show-and-tell hardware available will cover market segments such as: lighting, automotive, mil/aero/space, smart industries, artificial intelligence, machine learning, vision, and smart cities. Technology solutions being showcased within these market segments include connectivity, sensing, security and power.

Additionally, Avnet Silica and Farnell element14 are hosting free workshops for attendees:

  • ‘Yocto Project – The Embedded Linux Build Framework’: this workshop will be hosted by an Avnet Silica software application specialist presenting ‘Yocto in a nutshell’ during the embedded workshop session. Participants will learn about the Yocto Project which is an open source collaboration project that helps developers create custom Linux-based systems for embedded products, regardless of the hardware architecture. They will be walked through each of the steps in the development flow.

Date and venue: Wednesday 17 October at 14:15-14:55 in Workshop Theatre 2

Agenda: What is Yocto? Bitbake and recipes; Yocto layers and Yocto build process.

  • ‘Learn to 3D print in 30 minutes’ is hosted by Farnell element14. The workshop is for everyone wanting to get started on their very first print and will cover key components of a 3D printer, how 3D printing is different to other manufacturing methods, types and brands of printers, types of materials, file source and ‘your first print’.

Date and venue: Thursday 18 October at 13:15-13:55 in Workshop 1.

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