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Electronics made accessible at electronica

16th October 2018
Alex Lynn


The motto of this year’s electronica (November 13th to 16th, 2018) is ‘Connecting everything—safe, smart, safe, and secure’. The new format in hall 6 is centred around giving exhibitors, school pupils, students, and specialist visitors the opportunity to network.

Over the course of the four-day trade fair, applications, live demos, and a job market offer visitors an insight into the world of electronics and the career opportunities it holds.

According to a recent study by the German Economic Institute, Germany is currently experiencing a deficit of 440,000 specialists. Predictions made by the VDE Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies suggest that, by 2030, there will be around 100,000 vacant positions in electrical engineering alone. And yet numbers of new students are declining with only 9000 graduates per year.

In order to show school pupils, students, and specialist visitors the diversity of the electronics industry, Messe München has developed the format ‘electronica Experience’. Hall 6 is home to a variety of elements to inspire visitors and give them first-hand experience of electronics.

Among the highlights of ‘electronica Experience’ are exhibitors’ live demonstrations. In the demo area in hall 6, companies showcase the endless possibilities electronics offers with the help of a robot ballet, virtual reality glasses, e-scooters, and more.

Top-class talks on the discovery stage

At the centre of the ‘electronica Experience’ stands the Discovery Stage. Alongside talks and panel discussions on subjects such as IOTA and Tangle, Bitcoin and blockchain, and artificial intelligence, customers can expect the following program highlights.

On Tuesday, November 13th at 9:30am, Jeremy Rifkin will be opening electronica with his keynote speech. In his speech, Rifkin will present, among other things, his theory on the Internet of Things (IoT). In his view, this comprises three levels: Energy, communication, and logistics. In the so-called ‘energy-internet’, smart-grid technologies will be used to turn private households into micro-power stations which feed electricity into the grid.

Also taking place on the opening day of the trade fair is the ‘Talk from the Top’ at 3pm on the Discovery Stage, in collaboration with the trade journal ‘Automobilwoche’ (Automotive News). Participants include:

  • Jens Fabrowsky, Divisional Director of Automotive Electronics, Bosch.
  • Jochen Hermann, Head of CASE and e-Drive Development, Daimler.
  • Stefan Steyerl, Managing Director, Analog Devices Deutschland.
  • Thomas M. Müller, Divisional Director of Electronics Development CarIT, Audi.
  • Peter Schiefer, Division President Automotive, Infineon.
  • Rupert Stuetzle, Digital Expert Associate Partner, McKinsey.

The panel discussion is entitled ‘Semiconductors or the automotive industry—who’s driving who?’. 

The four-day developer event ‘IMPACT—Design for a Cause’ brings an additional element to ‘electronica Experience’. In collaboration with the engineering committees and Element14, as well as the company Avnet, Messe München has developed a conference concept with a laid-back atmosphere. In this space, speakers and visitors can discuss different subjects like home automation, open Internet, and robotics in tutorials and panel discussions.

In the talk by Mick Ebeling on Thursday, November 15th, the founder of ‘Not Impossible Labs’ will present, among other things, developments such as the Eye-Writer, which enables ALS patients to write using their eyes.

The ‘e-Careers’ job area in hall 6 rounds off electronica Experience’s diverse offering. As well as a job market, the career area offers professional resume checks and information about development opportunities in the electronics sector.

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