Upgraded firmware enhances on-board debug probe
The J-Link line of debug probes from Segger is now available on the Atmel Xplained evaluation platform. The Atmel Xplained evaluation kits provide an on-board, single chip debug solution called Atmel EDBG for which SEGGER now has released an upgraded firmware to give the users the capability to convert their Atmel EDBG to a J-Link OB.
The firmware has been developed in close cooperation with Atmel and can be downloaded from the SEGGER website, free of charge.
The J-Link is known for having the highest download speed into RAM and flash memory on all supported targets.
In addition, the J-Link allows setting an unlimited number of breakpoints in flash memory which is extremely useful, as most Xplained systems are based on Cortex-M0+ devices which only provide two hardware breakpoints.
SEGGER also offers a free cross-platform GDB Server for J-Link which opens the whole GDB world to Atmel Xplained users, allowing them to use any GDB-based debug solution (e.g. emIDE and Eclipse) with J-Link.