Cyber Security

Securing your business against cyber threats with Insight Secure

11th July 2019
Lanna Deamer


Maintel has announced the launch of its Insight Secure cyber security service, combining sophisticated assessment tools with expert knowledge and support. The offering will provide businesses of all sizes with peace of mind over their cyber security and compliance management.

Insight Secure is a suite of consultancy and security services that provide organisations with the intelligence they need to protect their valuable data and to aid the planning and development of their cyber security management. The end-to-end service takes a holistic approach, with Maintel’s team of Certified Threat Intelligence Analysts assessing and advising on cyber security, alongside staff awareness training to educate employees on key security procedures.

Security is a critical priority for businesses of all sizes, with around a third (32%) of companies having experienced a security breach or attack in the last 12 months, as stated in 2019’s Cyber Security Breaches Survey. According to this research, attacks were especially high amongst medium (60%) to large (61%) sized businesses.

Yet, smaller organisations also can’t be ignored, with less budget to invest in security and, in most cases, lacking the skills and in-house expertise to identify next steps. Many also reported in the survey that they felt they could be doing more but weren’t clear on how to proceed.

Rufus Grig, CTO at Maintel, said: “You can’t secure what you don’t know, and it’s important to identify security vulnerabilities before attackers find them. We’re constantly striving to ease the mind of businesses by working with them to understand their technology, infrastructure and business practices, providing actionable recommendations based on best practice and budget. We put our team of experts in the driving seat to relieve the confusion and worry of cyber security management.

“We recommend a Security and Network Health Assessment as a starting point to determine your attack surface, including ways it can be exploited by a potential hacker, and then perform active scanning of your network to test the strength of your perimeter firewall. The next phase uses our sophisticated cyber assessment tools to analyse network vulnerabilities. The final phase is a professional assessment of the current threat level and a structured plan to complete the remediation works, prepared by our team of Certified Threat Intelligence Analysts.

“Insight Secure is another string to our bow, meaning we can offer businesses of all sizes the visibility which is so vital to their security, alongside the tools to ensure optimal performance, all whilst keeping the network up and running.”

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