Component Management

EVS at SMTA Guadalajara

8th September 2016
Peter Smith

EVS International will showcase its EVS 500LF lead-free version with Interlatin at the SMTA Guadalajara Expo & Tech Forum. The EVS 500LF is ISO14001 compatible and enables the user to reduce solder consumption by up to 50+ percent.

The EVS 500 also can help to reduce dedrossing time by 75 percent and waste dross off-site by up to 85 percent. The system meshes perfectly with environmental control systems and also helps to reduce customers’ carbon footprint, an important environmental imperative, by utilizing the latent heat already imputed to the dross to help the recovery process.   

The EVS 500LF has been designed to be the same size as a printer and is aimed at multiple markets, such as the customer with one lead wave and one lead-free wave, the customer who uses Nitrogen or wants to reduce their Nitrogen usage. Additionally, the system is designed for even the customer with selective solder pots who only removes small amounts of dross every hour or the customer with multiple waves where one EVS 500LF is connected to each wave to ensure that maximum recovery is maintained throughout the life of the wave solder system. Users can quickly recover up to 80 percent of pure solder with a higher ROI from the waste dross.

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