
University of Birmingham

University of Birmingham Articles

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Eco Innovation
20th October 2023
New approach for battery recycling using less energy

University of Birmingham researchers have announced a new approach for recycling the highest value component of end-of-life electric car batteries, the battery cathode, that is less energy-intensive and uses less hazardous chemicals than current recycling methods. 

Alternative Energy
7th June 2021
Birmingham energy experts work towards net-zero carbon

Sustainable cooling experts are creating a roadmap to help reach the UK’s 2050 net-zero carbon emissions target, whilst maintaining food security for consumers and economic opportunity for the country’s food industry, as the University of Birmingham secures £2.9 million of UK Government funding announced today for energy-related projects.

10th March 2021
University of Birmingham and ARAI on transport research

University of Birmingham and The Automotive Research Association of India (ARAI) based in Pune, India, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) agreeing to identify joint research interests in the fields of air quality management, alternative fuels, power train and electric vehicle technology.

Alternative Energy
8th February 2021
Hi-tech solar solution brings hope to Gaza

University of Birmingham experts have announced that they are developing a novel solar solution energy pilot plant that will help to provide clean and affordable electricity to people living in the Gaza Strip. Working with counterparts at the Islamic University of Gaza, the researchers are combining two efficient technologies in a new way that will also help to assess the impacts of electricity shortage on the health and well-being of Gaza’...

27th November 2020
Re-starting global economy depends on vaccine

Re-starting the global economy for billions of people will depend on successfully overcoming logistical challenges in the ‘last mile’ of a COVID-19 vaccine’s journey to immunisation stations, according to a new report. 

26th October 2020
Motorists’ smartphones may help keep roads safe

Motorists with smartphones could help highway chiefs maintain road quality by sending ‘crowdsourced’ data from their mobiles that would allow engineers to assess when carriageway repairs are needed, according to a new study.

Alternative Energy
22nd July 2020
Report calls for national delivery to decarbonise heat

A new Heat Commission convened by the CBI and University of Birmingham has called on the Government to develop a National Delivery Body (NDB) to lead the development and implementation of a national strategy to decarbonise heat.

Alternative Energy
8th July 2020
Supporting African farmers and rural communities

A new African Centre of Excellence for sustainable cooling and cold chain based in Rwanda will help get African farmers’ produce to market quickly and efficiently - reducing food waste, boosting profits and creating jobs.

Alternative Energy
24th June 2020
Wind turbines to defend national grid from power cuts

A ‘smart’ system that controls the storage and release of energy from wind turbines will reduce the risk of power cuts and support the increase of wind energy use worldwide, say researchers at the University of Birmingham.

22nd June 2020
COVID-19 causing a rethink of manufacturing processes

A new study has shown that manufacturers must redesign and reform their manufacturing processes if they want to survive and prosper in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

8th June 2020
How people in Africa can access COVID-19 vaccine

Scientists are launching a key study to help African nations prepare for the sustainable distribution of an eventual COVID-19 vaccine. Mass, rapid COVID-19 vaccination will be an immense challenge for sub-Saharan Africa countries with significant rural populations and existing cold-chain infrastructure will need to be significantly improved if a vaccine is to reach the people who need it.

Alternative Energy
20th May 2020
Relight the fire: stoking our economy with heat!

As the Bank of England predicts a decline in the UK’s economy with a shrinkage of 14%, the worst recession on record, with dramatic impact for UK jobs, there is a feeling of helplessness as the country emerges cautiously from the lockdown. Written by Professor Martin Freer, Director of the Birmingham Energy Institute (BEI)

7th May 2020
Researchers race to develop sustainable COVID-19 vaccine

Scientists are launching a major new research project in India that will help to engineer an efficient and sustainable delivery mechanism - ready to get an eventual COVID-19 vaccine to billions of people around the globe.

3D Printing
4th February 2020
Transformative 3D printing approach from biology

Engineers need to get more creative in their approach to design and additive manufacturing (AM) systems, by taking inspiration from the way humans grow and develop, say researchers at the University of Birmingham.

8th January 2020
Roboticist chairs global nuclear expert group

University of Birmingham Professor of Robotics, Rustam Stolkin, has been elected as Chair of a new international Expert Group on Robotic and Remote Systems (EGRSS) - part of the OECD’s global Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), which brings together the governments of 33 member nations.

14th October 2019
How can the aviation industry adopt cleaner and greener fuel?

The University of Birmingham is leading a new research consortium that will tackle climate change by investigating the barriers and benefits to the UK aviation industry adopting low carbon synthetic fuel. The NewJet Network+ is one of five new groups announced by the Government looking at ways of removing the obstacles and address the challenges of decarbonising transport in the UK.

22nd August 2019
Symposium on clean energy utilisation and energy storage

British experts from academia and industry joined their Chinese counterparts for the 2nd UK-China symposium on clean energy utilisation and energy storage. Over 100 delegates gathered at the University of Birmingham to showcase their recent developments in addressing some of the toughest challenges of climate change through the use of clean energy utilisation and energy storage. 

21st August 2019
Birmingham technology could defend UK against power blackouts

Technology developed at the University of Birmingham could protect the UK and other countries from national electricity blackouts. Britain has high-voltage, direct-current (HVDC) transmission links with neighbouring countries, including France, Ireland, Holland and Norway, an efficient way of transporting electricity, but vulnerable to alternating-current (AC) faults.

10th June 2019
China renewables experts plan sustainable energy future

University of Birmingham scientists joined their Chinese counterparts at the 2019 UK-China Future Energy System Development Forum to explore new and innovative ways of accelerating the adoption of renewable energy. 

4th February 2019
Gas turbine tech to boost electric vehicles’ range

Electric vehicles that travel a complete journey on each charge, making them more appealing to drivers, have moved a step closer. University of Birmingham scientists have received a £554,000 grant from Innovate UK to work with partners in China to develop the turbo range extender which charges vehicles on the run and resolves the range concerns associated with electric vehicles.

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