Software AG
- Software AG
Uhlandstr. 12
D-64297 Darmstadt
Germany - +49 6151 92-0
Software AG Articles
Fully automated chip factory invests in sustainable growth
To ensure its sustainable growth over the long term, Infineon has invested in a new, fully automated chip production facility in Villach, Austria, which will have around 60,000 m² of floor space when completed. This will also create around 400 new jobs for highly skilled workers. Construction began in the first half of 2019 and is well under way. Infineon is using the automation and digitalisation concepts from its Dresden location in the ne...
Operational efficiency with launch of cloud-based portfolio
Software AG has unveiled B2B, the latest addition to the company’s B2B Integration portfolio. B2B enables users to swiftly on-board partners and exchange documents using traditional EDI or newer API-based standards. Users can now ensure the timely and accurate transaction of daily, crucial business documents while streamlining their supply chain, accelerating order-to-cash and increasing custo...
IoT: The Peter Pan of technology?
As the IoT becomes more mainstream, there’s no denying that people are growing accustomed to using connected devices as part of their everyday lives. Whether it’s consumers with smart meters and fitness monitors, or businesses benefiting from smart office buildings, IoT - like all disruptive tech - has become absorbed into our daily personal and work lives. By Anthony Sayers, Internet of Things Evangelist at Software AG
Software AG received highest use case scores by Gartner report
Software AG has announced that Gartner, in its new Critical Capabilities for Industrial IoT Platforms report, has given Software AG the highest score in every use case in the report - Monitoring Use Case, Predictive Analytics for Equipment Use Case, and Connected Industrial Assets Use Case for its IoT Platform Cumulocity IoT.
Software AG: Touching the lives of millions for half a century
It was 49 years and 364 days ago, on 30th May, 1969. Six young men - all employees at the consulting firm AIV (Institut für Angewandte Informationsverarbeitung) - established Software AG in Darmstadt as a startup. Today, Software AG is one of the biggest software companies of the world, helping to run the world with precision for 50 years, in robust health and actively promoting independence and interoperability - with software from any vend...
Advance in self-service analytics for IoT
The availability of Apama Analytics Builder has been announced by Software AG, which gives engineers and other domain experts working on the IoT Edge a web-based capability to develop analytic applications on streamed data, test them with simulated or live data, and deploy them immediately with a single click for the real-time processing of machine data and events.
Enterprise-grade platform offers suite of cloud services
At AWS re:Invent 2018, Software AG unveiled its next generation Software AG Cloud, an open, enterprise-grade cloud platform for building, testing, deploying, and managing everything from simple apps to complex, cloud enabled enterprise and IoT applications.
Leader in gartner magic quadrant named
It has been announced by Software AG that Gartner, an industry analyst firm, named it a Leader in its ‘Magic Quadrant for Integrated IT Portfolio Analysis Applications’ report (published on Nov. 28, 2018) for its IIPA product, Alfabet, for the eighth year in a row.
Partnership forged to broaden IoT market reach
A partnership between Software AG and Eurotech, a long-time leading provider of industrial embedded hardware such as gateways, servers, control systems and boards, has announced a new collaboration in which Eurotech’s latest release of Everyware Software Framework (ESF) added out-of-the-box connectivity is combined with Software AG’s Cumulocity IoT.
IoT deployment and future expansion is extremely important
A new independent survey from VansonBourne sponsored by Software AG found that one in four Global Fortune 2000 enterprises rank Internet of Things (IoT) deployment as the most important initiative in their organisation yet 90% experience barriers to effective implementation and expansion due to lack of IoT expertise and skills in-house.
Harmonising data exchange enables smooth system integration
In order to harmonise the exchange of data between its stores and national systems, and its central retail information system, grocery chain Lidl has utilised Software AG’s webMethods Integration Platform and Enterprise Service Bus.