- NerG Ltd, 1 Cow Lane, Upton, Gainsborough,
DN21 5PB
United Kingdom - 01522 712 131
NerG Articles
Get ready for green hydrogen
Backed by the energy regulator Ofgem, 300 homes in Scotland will soon become the first in the world to use 100% green hydrogen, in a four-year trial that will further cement the UK’s green recovery. Here Luke Worrall, Business Development Manager at NerG, explores the implications and explains how businesses can use existing CHP technology to save money now, while futureproofing their investment as the UK transitions to hydrogen power.
Ending biomass funding program sets back net zero
The Government’s planned end to the Non-Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (NDRHI) this month will leave manufacturers without a financially viable green alternative to generate heat for many crucial industrial processes. This could force businesses to seek out cheaper, non-renewable sources of energy. Here Luke Worrall, Business Development Manager at NerG, explains why this move will harm the UK’s efforts to reach net zero carbo...