
Loughborough University

Loughborough University Articles

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17th April 2023
Friendly robotic service to support elderly people

A friendly robotic service for preventative care amongst older adults at risk of frailty is to be developed as part of a new collaborative project involving Loughborough University.

21st March 2023
Ballet dancers in sensor suits

Audio guides, maps, traditional and interactive texts help people attending art exhibitions to understand the works in front of them. With dance, however, the audience’s understanding is usually taken for granted.

22nd February 2023
Study to explore if EVs can power homes

Loughborough University is part of a new collaborative project exploring if electric vehicles (EV) could be used to power drivers’ homes and help meet UK energy demands while on charge.

30th May 2019
Mass casualty trial demonstrates lifesaving potential of technologies

  Four years ago academics, emergency responders and industry partners from across Europe came together with a common goal - to create new technologies and systems that would save lives during a Chemical, Biological, Radioactive or Nuclear (CBRN) incident.

16th September 2016
Simple saliva test to diagnose asthma

A test which can diagnose asthma from a patient's saliva has been developed by Loughborough University. Around 5.4 million people currently receive treatment for asthma in the UK, of which 1.1 million are children. To diagnose the condition doctors usually measure a person's airflow lung capacity, however lung function tests can be inaccurate and do not reflect underlying changes associated with asthma.

24th August 2016
Miniaturised clinical testing detects antibiotic resistance

A portable power-free test for the rapid detection of bacterial resistance to antibiotics has been developed by academics at Loughborough University and the University of Reading. The test termed Lab-on-a-Stick is an inexpensive microfluidic strip – comprising of tiny test tubes about the size of a human hair – capable of identifying bacteria found in urine samples and checking if they are resistant to common antibiotics.

3D Printing
20th April 2016
Researchers explore personalised 3D printed fashion

The way we shop for clothes is set to change, thanks to a project lead by Loughborough University, the end goal is personalised 3D printed fashion, manufactured within only 24 hours. Dr Guy Bingham, Senior Lecturer in Product and Industrial Design, has teamed up with global textile and garment manufacturer the Yeh Group, to embark on landmark work in 3D textile printing that could change the way clothes and footwear are made.

8th March 2016
Latest railway technology on track for prototype development

The latest railway technology masterminded by Loughborough University engineers has entered into the next stage of development with industry backing. Repoint is a robust and reliable points concept which breaks with 200 years of tradition to offer a change in design that will increase reliability, reduce maintenance costs and boost capacity on the railways. It is the result of research carried out with industry experts into improved switches whic...

4th September 2015
Paralysis sufferers communicate with breath signals

A recent device, which is believed to be the worlds first of its kind, has been developed by academics from Loughborough University. The device transforms paralysis sufferers' breath into words, helping them to communicate. The tool analyses changes in the users breathing patterns and coverts the 'breath signals' into words. To do this the tool uses pattern recognition software and an ADC.  A speech synthesiser then reads the words aloud.

16th July 2015
Two-thirds of drivers won’t take rest breaks on long journeys

As many as 65% of drivers on long journeys do not stop to take rest breaks on the motorway because they don’t feel they have any need to. While 79% of drivers will only choose to stop and take a rest if a motorway service area is located in a convenient place on their journey.

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