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IMServ Articles
Tax changes could spell increased costs
Something that seemingly passed under the radar in March’s budget was the news that the Treasury plans to replace the Carbon Reduction Commitment Energy Efficiency Scheme (CRCEES) and indicated changes to the Climate Change Levy (CCL) from 31st March 2019.
How is the P272 roll out going five months on?
Forecasting the usage of electricity is a big issue for the energy industry. The UK population is predicted to rise to over 70 million by 2028, creating more pressure on the grid at peak times. One of the ways the industry is addressing this issue is to collect more data from businesses on their energy usage. A energy mandate, P272, was introduced five months ago, requiring a further 160,000m to be upgraded to half hourly from April 2017.
Are organisations making the most of Energy Consultancies?
With less than 12 weeks to go until the deadline for phase one of the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS), concern has been building over participants’ commitment to the new regulation, says Peter Leggett, Energy Analyst, IMServ. As the ESOS phase one deadline on the 5th December approaches there are currently less than 200 participants, out of approximately 16,000, complying with the regulation. There is a significant penalty for fail...