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Fasthosts Articles
Where is the Internet headed next?
The Internet may have started as the world’s most exciting playground, but some say it’s become more of a broken arcade, where your favourite games are rigged, and the prizes aren’t what they used to be.
What will the Internet look like by 2050?
The Internet is an incredible thing, changing human existence over the past five decades and continuing to provide us with huge advancements each year. But what does the future hold for the internet, and how will it impact our lives?
Five ways to ensure cyber security in 2021
The pandemic has allowed the UK’s e-commerce sector to hit a record number of online sales in 13 years. So, with more online shoppers than ever before, how can we promise customers cyber security for a better 2021? Web hosting experts Fasthosts have comprised a list of top tips which will optimise user experience, ensure online security, and protect websites from unauthorised access as we enter the new year.
Cyber attack risks increased whilst working from home
Working from home is the everyday normal for many across the UK, but just how prepared are UK businesses? The pandemic has opened opportunities for cyber attacks, with the number of scams on the rise. A new report by Fasthosts reveals that cyber criminals have identified remote workers as easy targets with two in five employees having not received any caution regarding COVID-19 scams whilst remote working or hand any video-call security training.
What are the cyber risks with working from home?
Working from home is the new normal for many across the UK, but just how prepared are UK businesses for the cyber risks? The pandemic has opened opportunities for criminals, with the number of scams on the rise A new report by Fasthosts reveals that cyber criminals have identified remote workers as easy targets with two in five employees having not received any caution regarding COVID-19 scams whilst remote working or hand any video-call security...