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E-Mon Articles

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2nd April 2014
DIN rail-mount smart meters for building automation

Housed in standard DIN rail-mount enclosures, the Din-Mon kWh/kW smart meters have been announced by E-Mon. The single- (Din-Mon D2) and dual-protocol (Din-Mon D5) meters enable advanced energy monitoring for building automation systems, switchgear, control panels, server racks, renewable energy systems and other space-constrained applications.

1st July 2013
E-Mon Announces Agency Listings for “Smart Meters” Targeting Integration of Building Automation Systems

E-Mon announces that several models in the company’s advanced meter family were certified by independent testing labs to have met or exceeded equipment interoperability guidelines of two of the industry’s leading standards agencies—BACnet Testing Laboratory and LonWorks. Applicable metering devices include E-Mon’s advanced Class 3200, 3400, 5000, Green Class Net Meter, Din-Mon and Interval Data Recorders.

2nd December 2011
E-Mon’s New Smart Meters for Energy / Power Quality and BAS Integration Earn UL / CUL / ANSI Listings

E-Mon announces the availability of four new Smart Meter Class devices. E-Mon’s new smart meters offer built-in communications, advanced energy information — including 38 metering parameters — and expanded communications functions. In addition to recently completing requirements for UL/CUL listing, the meters were certified by an independent testing lab as meeting ANSI C12.20 national accuracy standards of ±0.2 percent from 1-100 percent ...

29th September 2011
E-Mon Celebrates 30 Years as Submetering Market Leader

E-Mon, celebrates its 30th anniversary this month. Established in 1981, E-Mon enters its fourth decade. As the key enabler of energy-efficiency initiatives across the facility landscape, typical submetering applications include tenant billing, cost allocation, green building programs, load profiling and more—in skyscrapers, shopping centers, airports, factories, office buildings, apartment complexes, industrial, governmental and educational fa...

26th July 2011
New Web-Mon Enterprise Edition Provides Remote Meter Dashboards over TCP/IP LAN/WAN Networks

E-Mon, the electric submetering market leader and manufacturer of the widely installed E-Mon D-Mon product line, today announced the availability of the Web-Mon Enterprise Edition, an Internet-enabled energy monitoring platform that provides real-time and historical energy data via any standard Web browser. Ideal for campus and multi-building facility applications, Web-Mon Enterprise directly communicates over the facility’s existing IP backbon...

18th August 2010
Honeywell Acquires E-Mon D-Mon Submetering Firm

The teaming of E-Mon's expertise in metering and extensive electrical distribution channel with Honeywell's resources and forward thinking energy initiatives is a win for all parties.

29th March 2010
E-Mon Launches New Web Site at

E-Mon, LLC , the electric submetering market leader and manufacturer of the widely installed E-Mon D-Mon® product line, announced today that it has launched a completely redesigned and enhanced website. Developed to help users find answers to questions quickly and easily, the new web site includes major improvements in the areas of content, navigation and search functions.

23rd October 2009
E-Mon's LonWorks Comm Option Allows Up to 40 Submeter Inputs

E-Mon, LLC , the electric submetering market leader and manufacturer of the widely installed E-Mon D-Mon product line, announces the availability of a new LonWorks communication option (specify Option LTP) for converting electrical submeter data into the LonWorks communications format for building automation systems (BAS) and equipment control applications, including lighting and security systems, HVAC and more.

9th October 2009
E-Mon's New BACnet MS/TP Option Allows Input of Up To 38 Meter Data Parameters into Leading BAS Protocol

E-Mon, LLC, the electric submetering market leader and manufacturer of the widely installed E-Mon D-Mon product line, announces the availability of a new BACnet MS/TP communications option (specify Option B) for the Class 5000 that converts electrical submeter data into an RS-485 serial communications format compatible with BACnet, the industry's leading building automation and control system protocol.

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