
Brookhaven National Laboratory

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Brookhaven National Laboratory Articles

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1st March 2018
Cost-effective catalyst converts CO2 into usable energy

  Imagine if carbon dioxide (CO2) could easily be converted into usable energy. Every time you breathe or drive a motor vehicle, you would produce a key ingredient for generating fuels. Like photosynthesis in plants, we could turn CO2 into molecules that are essential for day-to-day life. Now, scientists are one step closer.

Component Management
7th November 2017
Making glass invisible: a nanoscience-based disappearing act

If you have ever watched television in anything but total darkness or used a computer while sitting underneath overhead lighting or near a window, you have experienced a major nuisance of modern display screens: glare. Most of today’s electronics devices are equipped with glass or plastic covers for protection against dust, moisture, and other environmental contaminants, but light reflection from these surfaces can make information displaye...

15th May 2017
Powerful green laser will help experiments at the RHIC

Aligning a sequence of amplifiers and mirrors with hair-thin precision on a tabletop anchored to a steel block deep underground, scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory have produced a powerful green laser. The light - the highest average power green laser ever generated by a single fiber-based laser - will be crucial to experiments in nuclear physics at the Lab's Relativistic Heavy I...

23rd March 2017
Supplying the medical community with radioactive isotopes

The Brookhaven National Laboratory is highlighting some of the work it’s been doing to provide radioactive medical isotopes to the clinical community. At Brookhaven, for example, a generator for producing technetium-99m out of molybdenum-99 was developed decades ago, and the technology is used today daily to help treat cancer patients. They lab is also responsible for developing 18FDG, a glucose molecule with a radiotracer attached to it.

Component Management
22nd December 2016
Nanoscale assemblies create complex multi-layered structures

Building nanomaterials with features spanning just billionths of a meter requires extraordinary precision. Scaling up that construction while increasing complexity presents a significant hurdle to the widespread use of such nano-engineered materials. Now, scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory have developed a way to efficiently create scalable, multilayer, multi-patterned nanoscale structures with unpre...

20th December 2016
Laser pulses further understanding of electron interactions

Scientists studying high temperature superconductors-materials that carry electric current with no energy loss when cooled below a certain temperature-have been searching for ways to study in detail the electron interactions thought to drive this promising property. One big challenge is disentangling the many different types of interactions-for example, separating the effects of electrons interacting with one another from those caused by their in...

Component Management
9th December 2016
The evolution of catalytic nanoparticles in 3D

Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory used a high-resolution electron microscope to study nanoscale details of catalytic particles made of nickel and cobalt-inexpensive alternatives to the costly platinum used in most fuel cells today. A paper describing the research in the journal Nature Communications includes 3D, dynamic images that reveal how the particles' external and internal structure...

30th November 2016
Ultrafast imaging reveals existence of 'polarons'

Many people picture electrical conductivity as the flow of charged particles (mainly electrons) without really thinking about the atomic structure of the material through which those charges are moving. But scientists who study "strongly correlated electron" materials such as high-temperature superconductors and those with strong responses to magnetism know that picture is far too simplistic. They know that the atoms play a crucial role in determ...

27th September 2016
Crystalline fault lines provide pathway for solar cell current

  A team of scientists studying solar cells made from cadmium telluride, a promising alternative to silicon, has discovered that microscopic "fault lines" within and between crystals of the material act as conductive pathways that ease the flow of electric current.

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7th September 2016
Producing catalytically active gold nanoparticles

An ultra-high-vacuum chamber with temperatures approaching absolute zero—the coldest anything can get—may be the last place you would expect to find gold. But a group of researchers from Stony Brook University (SBU) in collaboration with scientists at the Air Force Research Lab (AFRL) and the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory have just demonstrated that such a desolate place is ideal for producing cataly...

Component Management
18th August 2016
High-temperature superconductivity in copper-oxide

Physicists at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory have an explanation for why the temperature at which cuprates become superconducting is so high. After growing and analysing thousands of samples of a cuprate known as LSCO for the four elements it contains (lanthanum, strontium, copper, and oxygen), they determined that this "critical" temperature is controlled by the density of electron pairs—the number of ...

12th August 2016
Imaging technique slices materials with X-ray

Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory have created an imaging technique that allows scientists to probe the internal makeup of a battery during charging and discharging using different x-ray energies while rotating the battery cell. The technique produces a 3D chemical map and lets the scientists track chemical reactions in the battery over time in working conditions. Their work is published in Nature Commu...

9th August 2016
Smart self-assembly produces nanoscale architectures

Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory have just developed a way to direct the self-assembly of multiple molecular patterns within a single material, producing nanoscale architectures. The results were published in the journal Nature Communications. "This is a significant conceptual leap in self-assembly," said Brookhaven Lab physicist Aaron Stein, lead author on the study.

17th June 2016
Superconducting magnet powers up after cross-country journey

A team of physicists and engineers at the U.S. Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory has just completed preliminary tests of a 20-ton cylindrical magnet that could form the heart of an upgraded particle detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). The goal was to see if the superconducting solenoid was in working order after having sat idle for 8 years, and then traveling cross-country from California to Brookhaven last...

14th April 2016
Evidence of superconducting matter found after 50 years

Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory, Cornell University, and collaborators have produced the first direct evidence of a state of electronic matter first predicted by theorists in 1964. The discovery, described in a paper published in Nature, may provide insights into the workings of high-temperature superconductors. The prediction was that "Cooper pairs" of electrons in a superconductor could exist in two ...

31st March 2016
Tiny particles have a big impact on climate

Art Sedlacek, an atmospheric scientist at the U.S. Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory, has gone to extreme lengths to study aerosols—tiny particles emitted from factories, forest fires, car exhaust, and sometimes from natural sources. He has flown on planes outfitted with high tech equipment through wildfire plumes and over the ocean, and has visited stations all over the globe to observe these particles and understand th...

Component Management
17th February 2016
Chiral magnetic effect generates quantum current

Scientists at the U.S Department of Energy's (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory and Stony Brook University have discovered a new way to generate very low-resistance electric current in a new class of materials. The discovery, which relies on the separation of right- and left-'handed' particles, points to a range of potential applications in energy, quantum computing and medical imaging, and possibly even a new mechanism for inducing superconduc...

Component Management
17th February 2016
Graphene leans on glass to advance electronics

Graphene, the two-dimensional powerhouse, packs extreme durability, electrical conductivity, and transparency into a one-atom-thick sheet of carbon. Despite being heralded as a breakthrough 'wonder material', graphene has been slow to leap into commercial and industrial products and processes.

5th September 2013
Shedding New Light on the 'Electron Highways' of Organic Solar Cells

Sunlight absorbed by organic solar cells must first navigate a nanoscale gauntlet before becoming useable electricity. After hitting the light-absorbing material of the solar cell, called the photoactive layer, absorbed sunlight excites electrons, freeing them to find their way through a maze filled with twists, turns, dead-ends, and collisions. Only the free charges that successfully make it through this maze can be used in a circuit as electric...

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