
Advantest America, Inc

  • 3201 Scott Blvd Santa Clara California
    CA 95054
    United States of America
  • 1-408-988-7700
  • 1-408-987-0680

Advantest America, Inc Articles

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16th May 2024
Advantest new power supply for V93000 EXA scale SoC

Advantest has announced the newest addition to its portfolio of power supplies for the V93000 EXA Scale SoC test platform.

22nd May 2023
Customers rank Advantest ‘Best Test Equipment Supplier in 2023’

Advantest has announced it has again topped the rating chart of the 2023 TechInsights (formerly VLSIresearch) Customer Satisfaction Survey, capturing the No. 1 spot on this prestigious annual survey of global semiconductor companies for the fourth consecutive year.

29th July 2021
Advantest use Kinaxis to manage semiconductor supply

Kinaxis has announced that Advantest Corporation is using Kinaxis to help manage the growing demand for semiconductors. Advantest has just completed its first phase of roll-out in its Japan facilities in just 16 weeks, complementing their global use of Kinaxis.

News & Analysis
19th July 2021
Advantest rebrands and invests in India

Test equipment supplier Advantest is rebranding its subsidiary in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India under the corporate mantle and will expand its support of customer initiatives in the region as investments continue to grow.

News & Analysis
30th July 2020
Advantest partners with PDF Solutions for cloud solution

Advantest and PDF Solutions, a provider of software-based data analytics solutions to the semiconductor industry have established a wide-ranging partnership that includes PDF’s help in developing a cloud-based software solution for Advantest and a commercial agreement providing for the license of technology solutions based on Advantest’s test platforms and PDF’s Exensio software analytics platform.

Events News
4th November 2019
ITC 2019 provides platform for online test service

Hardware, software and online test solutions will be presented by Advantest at the 2019 International Test Conference (ITC) in Washington D.C. (November 12-14). It will also supply paper, panel and poster contributions. Advantest is a platinum supporter of ITC and a sponsor of the 50th Celebration on the evening of November 12 and the Test Technology Technical Council’s (TTTC) Automotive Reliability and Test (ART) Workshop.

Events News
6th August 2018
Integrated SSD tester features at Flash Memory Summit

Semiconductor test equipment supplier Advantest will display its new testing capabilities for PCIe Gen 4 solid-state drives (SSDs) using its MPT3000 testers and present two technical papers at the Flash Memory Summit (August 7-9) in Santa Clara, California. Advantest is a gold sponsor of this year’s Summit.

Events News
27th June 2018
Advantest to sponsor SEMI High Tech U program

Leading semiconductor test equipment supplier Advantest is partnering with SEMI as one of four corporate sponsors of the first SEMI High Tech U program to be held in conjunction with the annual SEMICON West exhibition at the Moscone Centre in San Francisco (July 10-12).

Events News
5th July 2017
Test solutions on parade at SEMICON West

Innovative test solutions, three technical papers and sponsorship of several activities are all on the menu for Advantest at the SEMICON West trade show (July 11-13) in San Francisco. The company will have exhibits on several of its product platforms for testing and measuring all aspects of semiconductor devices.

Events News
22nd February 2017
Smart device tester lines up at Mobile World Congress

Showcasing their newest test and test automation products for the wireless electronics market at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona (Feb 27- March 2) will be Advantest and W2BI, an Advantest Group company whose test automation products help customers quickly launch new high-quality smart devices.

Events News
1st October 2015
Anaheim venue hosts hardware/online test solutions

Hardware and online test solutions will be demonstrated by Advantest at the International Test Conference (ITC) in Anaheim, California (Oct 6-8). The company will also present several papers at the associated conference.  There will be live demonstrations of Advantest’s on-demand CloudTesting Service and its EVA100 tester for analogue, mixed-signal and sensor ICs.

Events News
5th August 2015
SSD test solution on parade at Flash Memory Summit

The MPT3000 family of test solutions for advanced solid state drives (SSDs) will takje centre stage for Advantest at the Flash Memory Summit (Aug 11-13) in Santa Clara, California. Advantest is an Emerald sponsor of this year’s tenth annual Summit. Designed to help accelerate SSD product development and achieve faster time to market, the multi-protocol MPT3000 platform will be featured during the Summit’s exhibition days of August 12-...

Events News
16th October 2014
Let your voice be heard at VOICE

Advantest is once again offering engineers and designers the chance to participate at its VOICE 2015 annual Advantest Developer Conference. The test equipment supplier has issued an international call for papers focusing on innovative test solutions for system-on-chip (SoC) and memory semiconductor devices and handler solutions.

4th December 2013
Le système V93000 Smart Scale d'Advantest sélectionné par la division "Produits en fibre optique" d'Avago

Advantest Corporation a investi un nouveau segment de marché en vendant à la Division Produits en Fibre Optique (FOPD: Fiber Optic Products Division) d'Avago Technologies une plateforme V93000 Smart Scale destinée à tester des dispositifs émetteurs-récepteurs optiques pour les cartes mères à haut débit et de télécommunication. 

4th December 2013
Smart Scale platform tests optical transceivers for Avago

Avago Technologies’ Fiber Optic Products Division has purchased a V93000 Smart Scale platform from Advantest for use in testing optical transceiver devices for high-speed backplane and telecommunication applications. With a compact footprint, flexible performance and advanced features including digital channel pins for DC testing, the V93000 Smart Scale platform meets Avago’s requirements.

Essai et Mesure
4th December 2013
Advantest annonce un nouveau module polyvalent tension/intensité à 64 canaux pour sa plateforme T2000, pour le test low cost de circuits intégrés haute densité, gestion de la puissance multifonctions, destinés à l'automobile

Advantest Corporation a présenté un nouveau module polyvalent tension / intensité à 64 canaux pour sa plateforme de test réputée T2000, offrant ainsi le plus faible coût du marché pour le test paramétrique de circuits intégrés à nombre de broches élevé utilisés dans les applications automobiles et dans celles de gestion de la puissance. 

Test & Measurement
2nd December 2013
Toyota installs IPS to test power ICs for hybrid cars

Advantest has installed its T2000 Integrated Power Device Test Solution at Toyota for evaluating and mass-producing integrated power ICs used in next-generation hybrid cars. Toyota selected the T2000 IPS unit as an essential test system to enhance the safety and reliability of vehicle-mounted devices.

Essai et Mesure
28th November 2013
Advantest lance l'outil métrologique MEB E3640 Multi-Vision

Advantest Corporation annonce le lancement de son nouveau E3640 MVM-SEM (Microscope électronique à balayage multi-vision), outil de mesure de motifs sur des masques photographiques et autres supports, pour des dimensions de l’ordre du nanomètre. 

26th November 2013
Advantest propose une nouvelle unité de traitement d'images pour le test des capteurs d'images CMOS avancés sur la plate-forme T2000 leader de l’industrie

Advantest Corporation a lancé sa nouvelle unité T2000 ISS IPE2, réduisant considérablement la durée de traitement de l'image nécessaire au test des capteurs d’images CMOS les plus larges et les plus avancés et qui sont actuellement utilisés dans les smart-phones, les tablettes, les appareils photos numériques et les caméscopes vidéo. La réduction des dur&eac...

Test & Measurement
5th September 2012
Advantest Develops THz TOF Tomography Analysis System

Advantest Corporation today announced that it has developed a Terahertz (THz) time-of-flight (TOF) tomography analysis system utilizing short-pulse wide-band THz waves. The new system performs imaging and analysis of multi-layer coatings as thin as 10 μm, enabling the analysis of electrode films in li-ion batteries and layers within multi-coat automotive paint, among diverse new applications.

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