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AdaCore Articles
AdaCore at embedded world 2025 with Spark and Rust technologies
AdaCore announces its participation in embedded world 2025, which will take place from 11-13th March 2025 in Nuremberg, Germany. This year, AdaCore will showcase its solutions for safety and security-critical embedded systems, with a special focus on SPARK and Rust technologies.
GNAT Pro for the Helix Virtualisation Platform
AdaCore has launched a new edition of its premier GNAT Pro Ada, C and C++ development toolsuites in support of the Wind River Helix Virtualisation Platform. Offered in separate Ada and C/C++ packages, GNAT Pro enhances Helix Platform's ability to consolidate mixed-criticality aerospace, defence and automotive applications onto a scalable, agile and certifiable platform.
JTEKT has adopted AdaCore’s SPARK Pro tool suite
AdaCore announced that JTEKT, an international automotive electric power steering system manufacturing company headquartered in Japan, has adopted AdaCore’s SPARK Pro toolsuite and the GNAT Pro Common Code Generator (CCG) to aid in the development of safety-critical power steering system software.
Support for standalone C++ and mixed-language embedded software
AdaCore has announced that its GNAT Pro product line now supports the development of embedded software written in C++. Projects using C++, either mixed with Ada or standalone, can now benefit from the same high level of quality and support that GNAT Pro Ada customers receive. GNAT Pro C++ handles versions of the language standard up to and including C++17.
Conference champions high-assurance software development
AdaCore and Altran have announced their renewed sponsorship of the annual High Integrity Software (HIS) Conference, taking place in Bristol on November 5th, 2019. Now in its sixth year, the event attracts leaders in industry and academia who share the common focus of producing high integrity software.
Adacore development platform for artificial heart
AdaCore has announced that Scandinavian Real Heart AB in Sweden is using a suite of AdaCore software solutions to develop reliable embedded software for its revolutionary Total Artificial Heart.
MASC selects QGen toolset for model-based development
AdaCore has announced that MASC (MHI Aerospace Systems Corporation), a member of the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Group, has selected the QGen toolset to develop the software for the TQA (Throttle Quadrant Assembly) system.
Toolset bridges gap between control & software engineering
AdaCore has released QGen 17.1, the latest version of its model-based development and verification toolset. QGen bridges the gap between control engineering and software engineering, helping customers in the automotive and aerospace industries, as well as other safety-critical software-intensive domains, take full advantage of model-based development while retaining the low-level control necessary to achieve full integration with target...
Sponsorship of High Integrity Software Conference renewed
A renewed sponsorship of the annual High Integrity Software Conference has been announced by AdaCore and Altran, which will take place in Bristol on 1st November 2016. Following a successful conference in 2014 and 2015, organisers the University of Newcastle, AdaCore and Altran have once again compiled a complete technical programme to be delivered by prominent academic and industrial experts, covering topics including security, autonomy, st...
Programming competition with €5000 top prize
The launch of the programming competition, Make with Ada, has been announced by AdaCore. It is a contest that aims to help the embedded software community improve the quality of their code by encouraging the use of the Ada and SPARK programming languages.
Model-based development & verification toolset updated
AdaCore has released the latest version of its model-based development and verification toolset, QGen. QGen provides a qualifiable and customisable code generator from Simulink and Stateflow models to the safety-oriented programming languages SPARK (a formally analysable Ada subset) and MISRA C. QGen 2.1 supports essentially all constructs used for modelling safety-critical control systems.
Code generator can handle 100 Simulink blocks
AdaCore has released QGen 1.0, a qualifiable and customisable code generator and model verifier for Simulink and Stateflow models. This tool can generate MISRA C and SPARK source code producing readable, traceable, and efficient code. It is particularly suited for developing and verifying high-integrity real-time control applications, especially where safety certification is required.
Open code generation tool cuts design time & effort
During the last 10 years, model-based design environments have proved to be a significant innovation for developers of embedded control software. However, in safety-critical domains such as avionics, rail, and automotive systems, current off-the-shelf approaches raise several issues with respect to software verification.
Analysis tool gets thumbs-up for avionics, rail industries
AdaCore’s CodePeer advanced static analysis tool for the automated review and validation of Ada source code has been qualified as a software verification tool for developers in both avionics and railway industries. CodePeer assesses the program before execution to find errors efficiently and early in the development life cycle. Using advanced mathematics, it analyses every line of software, considering every possible input and every path th...
AdaCore to sponsor inaugural software engineering conference
Along with partner Altran, AdaCore will be sponsoring the inaugural High Integrity Software Conference (HIS), taking place in Bristol on the 23rd October 2014. HIS 2014, which is one day long, is a conference for sharing information about key challenges and recent developments within software engineering.
Development & verification environment supports SPARK 2014
Offering an integrated approach to the entire software development and verification lifecycle, Altran and AdaCore have released SPARK Pro 14.0. The integrated development and verification environment provides users with more powerful and easier to use tools that support the latest version of the SPARK language, SPARK 2014. The product brings software specification, coding, testing and unit verification by proof within a single integrate...
Cross-development environment targets processors running Android
GNAT Pro 7.2, for ARM Cortex processors running Android, is the latest Ada cross-development environment from AdaCore. The GNAT Pro product, hosted on Windows and Linux, comprises a complete Ada toolsuite for developing and maintaining Android applications using a mixture of Ada and Java.
Development environment now offers support for ARM/Linux
GNAT Pro 7.2, the latest cross-development environment from AdaCore, extends support to ARM processors running Linux. This GNAT Pro ARM product provides a complete Ada development environment oriented towards embedded systems that require the flexibility and extensive services provided by Linux. Developers of such systems can now exploit the software engineering benefits of the Ada language, including reliability, maintainability, ...
Upgraded tool assess bugs before program execution
Assessing potential bugs before program execution, CodePeer 2.3 is the latest version of AdaCore's static analysis tool for the automated review and validation of Ada source code. The tool is able to find errors efficiently and early in the development life cycle.
Analysis tool updated to include hardware probe functionality
Supporting all levels of safety certification, GNATcoverage 1.2 is the leatest version of AdaCore's source and object code coverage analysis tool. The release includes supports usage with an iSystem hardware probe generating Nexus trace data, as well as usage with Valgrind on Linux.