
Debug engine search function enables rapid trace data analysis

14th June 2016
Barney Scott

With highly complex automotive microcontrollers ‒ such as Infineon’s AURIX family or the PowerArchitecture-based SPC58E series from STMicroelectronics ‒ very large amounts of trace data accrue in a very short period of time, especially when the data are recorded through a high bandwidth trace interface like Aurora.

For example, PLS’ Universal Access Device 3+ (UAD3+) is able to record up to 4GB compressed trace with up to 500MB/s from the target through this interface.

So that the users do not lose the overview in this decoded trace stream – enriched with additional data from the debug information of the ELF files – the latest version 4.6.2 of the Universal Debug Engine (UDE) from PLS Programmierbare Logik & Systeme has now been expanded by a unique high-performance search function.

For example, with the new function ‘Find all’, all entries which have the same address can be found very quickly. The search results are displayed in a separate results list, from which in turn it is simple to navigate to the hits in the UDE own trace window. In addition, the trace window itself has been expanded by visualisation and navigation elements, which highlights all hits with a marker. Among other things, that feature enables the user to get very quickly an overview, how often a certain instruction was actually executed. A simple navigation between the individual hits is of course also possible.

Bookmarks, which are also introduced with the new version 4.6.2 of UDE, ensure a considerable simplification when handling usually very large amounts of trace data. With these bookmarks, it is now possible for developers to mark interesting positions in the trace, and of course quickly find them again later on.

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