Prototyping kit adds Bluetooth LE Connectivity to IoT
The PSoC 6 BLE Prototyping Kit from Cypress Semiconductor is in stock at Mouser Electronics. Offering easy access to up to 36 general-purpose inputs and outputs (GPIOs), the low-cost, breadboard-compatible kit offers a turnkey solution that adds Bluetooth low energy 5.0 connectivity to Internet of Things (IoT) applications, including smart home products, wearables, white goods, and industrial IoT devices.
The kit includes a fully certified CYBLE-416045-02 EZ-BLE Creator module based on a low-power, high-performance PSoC 63 microcontroller. The module features 1Mbyte of application flash, along with 32Kbytes EEPROM area, and 32Kbytes of secure flash plus a royalty-free Bluetooth LE stack compatible with Bluetooth 5.0.
The kit provides easy access to 36 GPIOs and to the programmable digital and analogue peripherals offered with the module.
Current-measuring jumpers, a push button, and two LEDs are included.
It features a KitProg2 onboard programmer and debugger with a perforated snap-away design, allowing engineers to use the module independently from the target board.
Also included is a MikroElektronika mikroBUS interface for use with MikroElektronika Click boards, which allow expanded functionality without additional hardware configuration.