Atollic TrueSTUDIO is available with a number of optional add-on modules.
Atollic TrueINSPECTOR improves software quality by performing static source code analysis. It automatically detects potential coding problems and guides developers on compliance with “best-practice” coding standards, enabling development of a higher quality product in reduced time. Atollic TrueINSPECTOR also performs code quality reviews, generating reports listing quality metrics, including commenting level and code complexity measurement.
AtolAtollic TrueVERIFIER enables developers to achieve the highest level of software quality with minimum effort through automated embedded testing; by analyzing application source code, generating Unit Test suites and automatically compiling, downloading and running them in the target system. Atollic TrueVERIFIER has integrated J-Link support for code downloading and execution control in the embedded board.