
The tech inspired flooring that can smell a rat!

26th June 2017
Joe Bush

Dr Toby Bateson is aiming to raise £65,000 through Kickstarter to manufacture RatMat, a humane electrified rodent repellent flooring.

RatMat uses similar principles to an electric fence and is designed to safely and humanely protect motor vehicles and other valuable property from rodent damage. The scalable floor device, which gives rodents an unpleasant shock to deter them, was developed with Cornwall-based industrial design consultants Dufort Associates. It is the brainchild of Bateson after a colleague experienced costly damage to his car engine caused by rats. 

In order to be more eco-friendly and sustainable, many car makers have, over the last few years, introduced a soya-based coating over the wiring components that are crucial to keeping an engine running. However, an unwanted side effect is that it has made the wires into an attractive snack for rats and other rodents. This not only results in costly damage for the owner but also poses a potential fire hazard.

After extensive research, six years in design and two years of product testing, Bateson is now ready to make his product available. Commenting on the invention, Bateson said: “I have spent six years researching and developing the RatMat to provide classic and valuable car owners with a cost effective and long term solution to costly and inconvenient damage caused by rats and mice. I have a prototype and evidence that it works, but now I need help to raise the initial funds to help make this long term, humane pest control a reality.

“I am really excited that the project has reached this stage and hope the Kickstarter generates the interest we need to bring this to market.”

Using the principles of an electric fence the RatMat device is made up of inter-lockable tiles with a conductive steel surface, that lie flat on the ground. The tiles are completely safe, scalable and transportable and can double as a hard wearing floor surface. 

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