STI Electronics’ Training Services Department Breaks Sales Records
STI Electronics, Inc., a full service organization providing training, electronic and industrial distribution, consulting, laboratory analysis, prototyping, and small- to medium-volume PCB assembly, announces that its Training Services Department broke its all-time sales record in January.
“WSTI Electronics, Inc. offers a variety of electronics assembly and solder training courses, ranging from commercial to high-reliability requirements including NASA for through-hole, surface mount and cable/harness assembly, as well as staking and conformal coating. STI is an IPC Approved Certification center for all currently available courses (IPC-A-600, IPC-J-STD-001, IPC-A-610, IPC-7711/7721, IPC/WHMA-620). Most courses can be customized to meet a specific need or requirement and can be conducted at STI’s facility in Madison, AL or at a customer’s site.
STI is a total solutions partner when it comes to training resources. The company offers both training services and materials to better serve its customers. STI’s technical and instructional staff is unsurpassed in knowledge and experience in the world of electronics assembly/solder training and specification requirements.