NMI creates Design Advisory Board to oversee design sector strategy
The National Microelectronics Institute (NMI), the trade association representing the semiconductor industry in the UK and Ireland, has announced the creation of a Design Advisory Board to oversee its development of strategy and implementation plans for the semiconductor design community.
‘DThe NMI Design Advisory Board (NDAB) is tasked with reviewing and agreeing national priorities for the semiconductor design sector and to help in the formation of related strategy and NMI implementation plans. NDAB represents the complete spectrum of the NMI’s design-related membership, including IDMs, fablite and fabless manufacturers, IP and design service providers.
The Chairman at NDAB’s inaugural meeting, Steve Neill, NMI main board member, Vice President, Bristol Design Centre and Technical Director, Infineon Technologies said, ‘From our first meeting, it’s clear that NDAB has the senior level clout to be able to represent the many diverse interests of semiconductor design. Through this collaboration we aim to reach consensus on major issues affecting UK-based design activity and to recommend strategy and action plans to help ensure the long term prosperity of the design sector as a whole.’
List of NDAB members:
Ian Philips, ARM
David Burrows, Aptina
Geoff Barrett, Broadcom
James Collier, CSR
Gary Duncan, Dialog
Ian Macbeth, eosemi
Neil Amos, Fujitsu
Peter Hughes, Icera
Steve Neill, Infineon
Iqbal Sharif, NXP
Keith Kidd, Renasas
Dermot Barry, S3
Graham Curren, Sondrel
John McLean, STFC-RAL
Roger Shepherd, ST Ericsson
Peter Frith, Wolfson