Ramtron F-RAM Processor Companion with TCXO Targets High-Volume Consumer, Industrial, and Computing Markets
Ramtron announced at the Embedded Systems Conference upgrades to the company’s family of Processor Companion products targeted at the high-volume, processor-based electronics system market.
RamtThe Processor Companion with TCXO also features a processor supervisor that supports virtually any microcontroller- or microprocessor-based design. The supervisory function detects power supply faults and will initiate a reset to escape software lockup conditions. Ramtron’s Processor Companion with TCXO also features a wealth of integrated functions that include:
F-RAM nonvolatile memory – built on an advanced, high-reliability ferroelectric process, Ramtron’s F-RAM offers low power operation, NoDelay™ writes, and 100-trillion (1e14) high endurance reads/write cycles.
Temperature Compensated Real-Time Clock Operation – an embedded crystal and on-board temperature sensor internally calibrates the crystal temperature characteristics with accuracy to ±2.6min/yr (±5ppm) over the industrial temperature range (-40°C to +85°C). The precise time-keeping component is shielded from security breaches and environmental effects such as vibration, humidity, and spurious EMI/RFI.
Low-Voltage Reset – a programmable low-VDD reset, a programmable watchdog timer, a backup power source controller, and a manual reset function are standard on Ramtron’s Processor Companion devices.
Additional Peripherals – two battery-backed event counters with a tamper interrupt output, a 32.768 kHz clock output, a lockable 64-bit serial number, and a general-purpose comparator that can be used for an early power-fail (NMI) interrupt.