New Interactive Traffic Generator for SLIMbus
LnK, the leading provider of test and verification solutions for SLIMbus, today announced its new SLIMbus Interactive Traffic Generator. Together with the powerful SLIMbus Protocol Analyzer, the Interactive Traffic Generator provides the engineers with unprecedented test and debug capabilities.
The “When designing the Interactive Traffic Generator, we paid a lot of attention to keep all the powerful features of the existing static traffic generator (error insertions, total control on the bit stream, etc.) while adding all the new interactive features. All the real time interactions with a physical SLIMbus system are now supported.”, said Johan Klewais, co-founder and Chief Technology Officer of LnK. The Interactive Traffic Generator is a giant leap towards the SLIMbus conformance verification. “since June 2008, UNH-IOL uses the LnK SLIMbus test solutions to design the SLIMbus test specification.
The new LnK Interactive Traffic Generator should enable in depth conformance testing for SLIMbus components.”, said Bob Noseworthy, Chief Engineer at the University of New Hampshire's InterOperability Laboratory (UNH-IOL). The LnK SLIMbus Protocol Analyzers and Traffic Generators are today widely spread in the industry. More than 10 major semiconductor companies trusted LnK know-how, support and services. The LnK tools are seen by the industry as being the main vector of interoperability success. “The MIPI® Alliance appreciates LnK’s dedicated time and resources for the success of SLIMbus. With their testing solutions, LnK considerably eased the adoption of SLIMbus by the semiconductor industry.”, said Joel Huloux, Chairman of MIPI Alliance.