National Instruments Announces NI LabVIEW for Education Software for High Schools
National Instruments today announced the latest edition of its NI LabVIEW for Education software for high school, which integrates with classroom data collection and control devices to help teach science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) concepts to students. The software is a full-function version of the industrial LabVIEW graphical system design software that is “skinned” and scoped appropriately for students. It is optimized for classroom use through instructional videos, tutorials, open-ended challenges and teaching resources created specifically for high school students and teachers.
“LLabVIEW for Education integrates with the NI myDAQ portable data-logging device, Vernier sensors and LEGO Education robotics platforms to provide a wide range of possibilities for teaching core science and math concepts through real-world applications.
“NI LabVIEW for Education is helping expand our Vernier classroom sensor platform into experiential studies of more advanced engineering applications,” said David Vernier, president of Vernier, a leading classroom technology company. “Now more than ever, we can help teachers easily incorporate exciting yet practical hands-on engineering education into their science classrooms.”
LabVIEW for Education includes the following primary benefits:
-- Students gain experience with the same software used by professional engineers and scientists
-- New vision module helps students use USB webcams for advanced image manipulation and motion tracking
-- Ideal for integration with robotics classes and competitions
National Instruments collaborates with leading curriculum developers including UTeach Engineering, The Infinity Project and Ergopedia to provide complete solutions for implementing accredited courses based on LabVIEW. LabVIEW for Education was developed in conjunction with the Tufts Center for Engineering Education and Outreach.