
ip.access contributes to femtocell plugfest success

30th March 2010
ES Admin
ip.access, the leading developer of femtocell and picocell solutions, today welcomed the success of the world’s first femtocell plugfest organised by the Femto Forum in cooperation with the European Telecommunications Standards Institute.
The company confirmed that it fully and success sfully participated in the plugfest, and is committed to the development and commercial deployment of 3GPP’s Iuh standard which lies at the heart of future femtocell interoperability.

“This plugfest was about more than simply validating the Iuh standard on a one-to-one basis,” said ip.access CTO Nick Johnson. “It was a learning experience for all the participants and has helped add clarity to the path towards full plug’n’play interoperability.”

“The industry still has a long way to go,” he added, “but a number of important technical milestones were achieved at the plugfest, and we have made significant progress.”

As well as testing interoperability at the plugfest, ip.access is also leading the effort to create formal Iuh test specifications within the Network Vendors Interoperability Testing (NVIOT) Forum. “NVIOT is where the leading 3GPP-based wireless equipment suppliers collaborate on standards-based interoperability,” explained Johnson. “The specifications we are developing there will support formal interoperability testing of future commercial Iuh compliant products.”

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