
HARTING posts significant increase in revenues – 16.5 % up on the previous year Site investment: €8 million for Espelkamp

7th December 2011
ES Admin
The HARTING Technology Group posted revenues of €481 million in the last financial year. This signifies an increase in revenues of 16.5 % compared to the previous year (€413 million). “We set ambitious targets for the financial year and have exceeded our own expectations,” as Dietmar Harting stated the press conference on the annual financial statements held on December 5, 2011 in Espelkamp.
The products and solutions of the Espelkamp-based family owned and managed company are used worldwide in all sectors of industry. Connectivity & Networks. ranks as the division generating the most revenues. This covers electrical and electronic connectors, device connectivity, network components and assembled system cables. The range of applications for HARTING solutions encompass engineering, automation technology, transport technology, energy production and supply, industrial electronics, device connectivity technology and telecommunications through to medical technology and applications in broadcasting, stage and event technology.

Under the globally recognized “Han(R)” brand, which constitutes a standard on the global market, HARTING is developing and marketing industrial connectors and installation concepts in the field of Installation technology which are used to supply machinery and equipment with data, signals and power. In the Device Connectivity segment, HARTING offers a universal and innovative product portfolio under the “har” brand for the connection and set-up of industrial systems. HARTING Ethernet network components and cabling for all company divisions and RFID systems are marketed worldwide under the “Ha-VIS” brand in the field of Smart Network Infrastructure.

Global revenue growth – significant increases in Germany The HARTING Technology Group’s groundbreaking developments are highly successful internationally. Growth in revenues was posted in all regions in the previous financial year. Positive developments in the engineering, energy, robotics and automation sectors have contributed significantly to these gains.

Developments in Germany, where revenues rose by 24 % and totaled €181 million (previous year: €146 million), were particularly pleasing for HARTING. Revenues in Europe excluding Germany climbed from €140 million to €163 million, a rise of 16.4 %. Revenues of €44 million were generated in the Americas region (USA, South America and Canada) in the previous financial year which represents an 18.9 % increase (previous year: €37 million). Revenue growth was also posted again in Asia. HARTING turned over €93 million here (previous year: €89 million), increasing revenues by 4.5 %.

Excellence in innovation and customer proximity – the keys to success One of the company’s main strengths is its close cooperation with customers at the project stage which produces tailored, client-specific solutions. “We see the world through the eyes of our customers. We clearly aim to achieve genuine added value for our customers with each individual product. We produce a constant stream of innovations to optimally support our customers in their competitive environment,” explained Philip Harting, Senior Vice President Connectivity & Networks.

HARTING presented many innovations, particularly at trade fairs, in the previous financial year which attracted great interest worldwide. At the Hannover Messe 2011 trade fair, the company focused on smart Power Networks technology which transforms the current power supply installations into the intelligent power supply networks of the future. These networks provide users with benefits in terms of planning, commissioning and system availability. The newly developed HARTING technology helps to identify and analyze saving potential and to then systematically implement it. This is the key to increasing energy efficiency.

The smart Power Networks technology is currently being deployed and tested at the SmartFactoryKL of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence. HARTING was able to present the initial test results, where energy savings of up to 30 % were achieved according to Prof. Dr.-Ing. Detlef Zühlke, Head of the SmartFactoryKL, at the SPS/IPC/DRIVES trade fair in Nuremberg in mid-November 2011.

Great Place to Work(R) – global workforce expansion – training at record level – ramp-up of technology expertise in Mühlenkreis

HARTING created 301 new jobs worldwide in the previous financial year, the vast majority of which are located in the Mühlenkreis district. As at the reporting date on September 30, 2011, HARTING had a total global workforce of 3,394. This signifies an overall increase of 301 employees compared to the previous year (3,093 employees).

HARTING now employs 1,872 staff at its Mühlenkreis locations which is 212 more than in the previous year (1,660 employees). The headcount at the global national subsidiaries rose from 1,433 to 1,522. The expansion primarily concerned manufacturing and research and development. HARTING created new jobs at the foreign companies, in particular in production in order to meet the continual rise in demand for HARTING solutions on-site.

“The success of the past year is down to the joint efforts of all employees of whom we are extremely proud,” emphasized Margrit Harting, Senior Vice President and Partner at the HARTING Technology Group. She added: “Such performance can only be attained if everyone identifies with the common objectives.” The high level of identification with the Espelkamp-based family owned and managed company is underlined by the “Germany’s Best Employer 2011” award which HARTING received in the last financial year. This was the first time that the HARTING Technology Group had taken part in the Great Place to Work(R) competition. Acknowledgement as one of Germany’s best employers pays testament to the tremendous commitment of the Espelkamp-based family owned and managed company to offering its employees attractive and future-oriented jobs in an innovative high-tech company.

HARTING has always attached great importance to training which has consequently produced good results. The family company can look back on an impressive number of outstanding apprentices. Four HARTING apprentices were recognized by the WAGO Foundation again this year for their excellent achievements.

The company has constantly increased its number of apprenticeship places in recent years. In the 2010/2011 financial year, a total of 90 apprentices were prepared for their start to working life at HARTING. The figure will rise again significantly in the 2011/2012 financial year when over 100 young professionals will receive training at HARTING for the first time. HARTING has also further increased the number of career profiles available. HARTING now offers 17 different apprentice careers. The number of traineeships in technical careers has continually risen over recent years and there are now 37 technical apprentices.

HARTING works intensively with local schools in order to raise awareness about the diverse range of career opportunities at technical companies. An example of this is its cooperation with the Waldschule secondary school in Espelkamp. This initiative aims to improve the qualifications of future school-leavers to facilitate their entry into professional environments. The success of this joint venture is also reflected in the fact that three pupils from the Waldschule have now commenced training at HARTING.

“HARTING is one of the main employers in the Mühlenkreis district. We are very aware of our responsibilities. Through our outstanding training and our absolute commitment to technical careers, we would like to sustainably strengthen the position of eastern Westphalia as a technology location,” as Dr. Michael Pütz told the press conference on the annual financial statements.

Besides its in-house training and cooperation with local schools, which the company is committed to through various initiatives, such as KiTec (Children Discover Technology), HARTING also supports university education and the promotion of the MINT subjects (mathematics, IT, natural sciences and technology). The first students obtained their doctorates at the graduate college set up by HARTING at the Technical University of Berlin in the specialist area of innovation economics in the previous year.

Pioneer in the field of social responsibility – sustainability, climate protection and cultural promotion

One of the key characteristics of the HARTING as a family owned and managed company is its tremendous social commitment. The HARTING Technology Group systematically embraces its corporate social responsibility (CSR) and has firmly incorporated this into its corporate philosophy. In mid-2011, the company’s management system on assuming corporate responsibility received DQS certification. This project is currently unique in Germany. “It is a great honor for us to be the first German company to receive DQS certification for assuming corporate social responsibility. This was a very intentional step as we want to set a standard in the way companies and organizations provide information on their social responsibility,” explained Dietmar Harting, President of the HARTING Technology Group, underlining the importance of the certification to the company.

Social responsibility is also reflected in the implementation of a sustainable approach and systematic environmental protection. Increasing energy efficiency and environmentally-friendly management are also part of HARTING’s corporate philosophy. In light of its efforts in this respect, HARTING has been officially designated a “climate protection company” by the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (DIHK). The award was presented as part of the partnership on climate protection, energy efficiency and innovation together with the Federal Ministry for the Environment, its climate protection initiative and the Federal Ministry of Economics. Recognition as a “climate protection company” highlights the fact that HARTING’s efforts to contribute to increasing efficiency in industry are also replicated within the company itself.

The HARTING Technology Group received the first OWL Cultural Promotion Prize in the “large company” category in September 2011 acknowledging its decade-long commitment to cultural diversity in eastern Westphalia. The jury was particularly impressed by the many different ways in which the company is committed to culture in the OWL region. The company adopts a comprehensive approach to cultural promotion which aims to establish and foster cultural diversity locally. HARTING supports the “Neue Theater Espelkamp”, the North West German Philharmonic Orchestra as well as art projects and renovation initiatives in church circles. HARTING is also a host of the “Wege durch das Land” project. “As a company, we not only have a responsibility to our employees but also to our region. We must maintain and enhance its diversity and attractiveness,” emphasized Margrit Harting.

Investment in technology – new quality center in Espelkamp – stabilizing anticipated revenues at a high level

HARTING technologies are well known for their outstanding quality and all HARTING Technology Group employees assume responsibility for implementing these high quality standards in their day-to-day activities. In the current financial year, HARTING is investing over €8 million in total in the construction of a quality and technology center which will be located at the heart of the manufacturing site in Espelkamp. The 3,500 m² quality center will join onto the structure of the existing building architecturally and blend harmoniously with the HARTING company site. It will be the workplace of the staff of the Central Quality and Technology Department whose tasks range from the development of new technologies to product qualification, which involves the testing, analysis and release of products in the certified, in-house laboratory.

For the coming year, the HARTING Technology Group has set itself the goal of stabilizing global revenues at their current high levels. “The global economy is subject to constant fluctuations to which we as a company must react rapidly, flexibly and, above all, with foresight. Dealing with these fluctuations while at the same time keeping sight of the opportunities that will arise for us in future and how we can take advantage of these developments is the challenge we face on a daily basis,” as Dietmar Harting pointed out.

The company’s innovations are the key to long-term positive development. HARTING will make significant investments again this year. Creativity combined with absolute customer focus and uncompromising quality standards are the firm foundation for competitive strength and a successful future.

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