
From Raspberry Pi to robot spiders

7th June 2018
Mick Elliott

With its audience of makers, technology gurus, developers, inventors and creative lateral thinkers the Maker Faire Berlin in German was chosen by Conrad as the ideal setting for the launch of the MAKERFACTORY brand which is now an exclusive part of Conrad’s range.

 “We were thrilled that we could launch our new brand at this event and introduce the idea and objectives of the MAKERFACTORY brand directly to our target groups,” says Michael Schlagenhaufer, Senior Director Corporate Purchasing Business Unit Private Label at Conrad.

MAKERFACTORY products are aimed at all makers, hobbyists, inventors and technicians (whether based in educational institutions such as schools and universities, in research and development departments, or for private use in maker and hack spaces or fablabs).

The products include in-house developments from the Conrad Technology Center (CTC). The range is suited and supports beginners as well as professionals and their innovative technology projects. 

Covering a wide assortment of products, the MAKERFACTORY portfolio ranges from various components, shields, accessories and sets for single board computers, to learning kits and complex robotics.

A focus on the needs of the respective target groups came first when designing this new brand.

“Our goal was to create a brand that understands its users. For example, in the area of education, we are preparing educational content and products are orientated to subjects from curricula”, explains Conrad Maker expert Daniel Infanger, Vice President International B2C at Conrad International. 

In addition to the broad product range, MAKERFACTORY incentivises users through competitions.

For instance, at the MAKERFACTORY Challenge 2018, which also took place at Maker Faire Berlin, six creative teams had the chance to compete for equipment worth 10,000 euros for their Maker Space. A panel of experts will award the winning project live on September 15 at the Maker Faire Hannover.

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