
DEDF '09: The First Annual Digital Electronics Developers Forum is a Success!

14th December 2009
ES Admin
The 1st Digital Electronics Developers Forum, DEDF '09, was held on November 26, 2009. The conference was dedicated to the practice of Analog Devices DSP processors’ applications for digital electronics design.
Over 100 members from more then 30 private companies, enterprises, state corporations, high schools, universities and research laboratories from Belarus and Russia attended DEDF '09. Among the conference participants were experts from manufacturing enterprises that produce telecommunications equipment, measuring equipment, and consumer electronics. Engineers from military enterprises, representatives of small enterprises that produce devices for special purposes, and many other specialists were also in attendance. More than a dozen technical papers were presented to the audience during the technical sections of the forum.

This year's Digital Electronics Developers Forum presented its members with a unique opportunity to become acquainted with the modern engineering solutions implemented on Analog Devices’ electronic components designed by innovative companies, R&D teams and electronics design houses. Special guest Johannes Horvath, a technical business development manager for Analog Devices in Austria and Eastern Europe, gave his speech during the plenary of the DEDF conference.

The organizer of the forum, electronics design center Promwad, in cooperation with Alfachip Company, arranged a set of demonstration booths during the forum. Exhibits at DEDF '09 included the most popular debugging tools from Analog Devices, Inc. Various modern digital electronics products developed by Promwad, RIFTEK, and other DEDF members, were among the array of other gadgets presented at the forum. The participants of the forum were really interested in the sample devices, and spent time discussing their views on the different engineering solutions presented.

The forum closed on a high note this year. The audience was very receptive to the idea of attending the Digital Electronics Developers Forum annually with a similar conference format. To increase the professional collaboration of future forums, the engineers are interested in sharing experiences, demonstrating the results of their work, and discussing the technical issues and challenges they have to face in practice. The opinion of digital electronics experts is also highly valued by manufacturers and distributors of electronic components. Considering experts’ opinion and arguments, the vendors have a greater chance that their parts will be implemented in design by developers.

Many thanks were given to the organization committee of DEDF. Igor Zabenkov, PhD, Belorussian State University of Informatics and Radio electronics, expressed his support for making DEDF an annual event and establishing a professional electronics developers community in Belarus.

Promwad Company, as a main initiator of the forum, announced its plans to bring future Digital Electronics Developers Forums to other European cities including Moscow, St. Petersburg and Prague, and to make the achievements of the conference available for everyone.

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