Cypress Announces ARM Cortex-M3/PSoC 5 Design Challenge Winners
Cypress Semiconductor announced the winners of its ARM Cortex-M3/ PSoC 5 Design Challenge, including Grand Prize Winner, Hendrik Lipka (Jena, Germany) for his “Mixed Analog-Digital Scope.” Lipka won a total of $3,500 for his design which utilizes both analog and digital resources in PSoC 5 to create a low cost, mixed-signal oscilloscope.
CyprThe design challenge aimed to find the most innovative and useful designs from the millions of possibilities available to designers using the Cypress PSoC 5 architecture powered by the ARM Cortex-M3 processor. A total of over $10,000 in cash and prizes have been awarded throughout the contest. More information about the winner’s designs is available at
“The mixed-signal scope combines a full range of analog peripherals, custom PLD logic, CapSense buttons and slider capabilities, with a complex full-function LCD display. It was a great effort to put all of that on one chip,” said T.J. Rodgers, President and CEO of Cypress, and a member of the selection team. “The PSoC in this project integrates 10 discrete components that would cost well over $20.00 if bought separately. Mr. Lipka is certainly a PSoC wizard.”