
Come and visit Electronic Specifier at electronica 2018

6th November 2018
Joe Bush

It’s that time again, as the gaze of the global electronics industry focusses on the biennial electronica exhibition. For four days next week the great and the good from the industry will descend upon Munich for what will be the biggest instalment of the exhibition to date, occupying 17 halls, hosting four conferences and 16 forums, and a new demo hall showcasing the industry’s latest products in their respective application.

As for us at Electronic Specifier, we will of course be at the show en-masse for the duration of the show, including our entire management, editorial and sales teams. Our stand will be located in hall C3, stand 102. Take a break from the hullaballoo of the show floor and come onto our stand, meet the team and enjoy some refreshments.

The full portfolio of Electronic Specifier’s offerings will be available on the stand including special electronica print editions of Electronic Specifier Product and Electronic Specifier Design magazines. In addition, our very new Startups Magazine will also be present at the show in the startups zone (hall C5, stand 116), where visitors will be able to pick up a free copy of the latest issue and subscribe to the magazine which, due to a fantastic initial response, will be moving to a bi-monthly title in 2019 – be sure to check out this exciting new magazine while at the show.

In addition to the stand we will once again be hosting our cyber security forums (in hall C3 stand 534) on the 14th and 15th November. With the proliferation of connected devices across nearly all sectors, security has become a key feature in any electronic system or product. The pervasiveness of electronics in every walk of life opens a myriad of possibilities across a wide range of connected products. With this pervasiveness however, comes a greater demand for secure systems.

These forums will offer design engineers a variety of presentations featuring up-to-date thinking from a panel of experts working in semiconductor, software and test and measurement companies. The forums will cover four key areas - on the Wednesday we will focus on Automotive and Embedded, while on Thursday we will take a closer look at Medical and IoT. The forums are free to attend for all show visitors and will commence at 10.00am on each day.

We will also be hosting a competition on our stand where visitors have the chance to enter a prize draw to win a Terasic Spider - a six-legged walking robot - in partnership with Mouser. A hi-tech piece of kit, the spider features 18 servo motors, controlled by PWM signals generated from the Altera DE0-Nano-SoC board embedded inside.

The Terasic Spider itself can be remotely controlled by a Bluetooth enabled Android device. The software app can control the spider to move in four directions, swing based on g-sensor data, and even complete a dance with pre-defined movements.

Prize winners can modify the code to improve or change the spider’s functions according to specific applications. A great prize even for the show’s more arachnophobic visitors!

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