
Build your own robot

6th July 2015
Jordan Mulcare

Seek N’ Sneak is an Arduino Mega 2560 powered self-controlled robot which is able to find objects, pick them up and relocate them. The two driving wheels of this robot are powered by independently controlled motors and equipped with 128-steps-per-revolution encoders allowing for precise control of the angular position of the wheel, as well as its velocity and acceleration.

An independent 2D orientation of the rover is provided by two side mounted IR proximity meters, with objects detected by a third centered IR proximity meter. The three IR sensors can be replaced by one PING Ultrasonic Distance Sensor.

The arm is run by three strong servo-motors, making it fast and powerful enough to push up about 3lb, or even lift the robot itself. The robot software is completely open sourced, so you can either use the original software which has already been developed, or users can modify it as you please to meet your demands. Users can then use commands like LOOK FOR AN OBJECT, GRAB or THROW instead of writing low-level code to control the sensors, motors and servos directly or develop their own way of thinking for the robot from scratch using the Arduino integrated development environment.

The robot is provided as a kit, so buyers will need some basic tools. For young technicians supervision is recommended. Although Seek N’ Sneak was designed as a fully autonomous, upgradable robot, there is plenty of space inside the body of the robot to extend Arduino board with extra sensors or with WiFi or Bluetooth shields to establish communication with a computer or remote control.

You can support the product on kickstarter.

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