
Boosting growth of the LoRaWAN network architecture

9th February 2017
Enaie Azambuja

Avnet Silica, an Avnet company, announced it has joined the LoRa Alliance as an ‘Adopter’ member to support development, growth and adoption of networks based on the LoRa protocol (LoRaWAN) low-power wide-area networking technology (LPWAN). Prior to joining the LoRa, Avnet Silica had already built-in support for LoRaWAN via the company’s ‘Visible Things’ industrial IoT platform.

The LoRa Alliance is an open and non-profit association with the mission to standardise LPWANs being deployed around the world. The key features of LoRaWAN networks include support for very-low-cost secure bi-directional and long-range communication in IoT, machine-to-machine (M2M) and smart city and industrial applications.

The aim of the LoRa Alliance is for members to share knowledge and expertise to guarantee operator interoperability, i.e. LoRaWAN end-devices should be able to be deployed in multiple networks and roam from one network to another irrespective of network infrastructure or operator.

Avnet Silica’s Visible Things offering is a comprehensive platform that includes tested, proven, secure and integrated hardware and embedded software. The platform connects smart sensors and embedded devices via gateway solutions or LPWANs such as LoRaWAN, right through to the cloud and enterprise software applications.

The Visible Things platform already includes a LoRaWAN network based development kit, which includes LoRaWAN module sensors along with additional motion and light sensors for the fast development of IoT applications.

“We are proud to be an official part of the ecosystem, promoting the technology and our solutions for LoRaWAN networks,” said Alviano Burello, regional technical marketing manager at Avnet Silica.

“There is a wide expectation across the market today that there will be hundreds of millions of LoRaWAN based end-node sensors in the coming years. As part of our mission to simplify the complexity of IoT designs, Avnet Silica is making ready to launch a new reference design module integrating a low-power Cortex-M0 based microcontroller, a LoRaWAN transceiver, and a secure element that enables secure repository of the encryption keys required by the LoRaWAN protocol stack.”

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