Accurate and robust - 24/7 robotic dispensing with Intertronics
There continues to be two drivers for industrial dispensing equipment - increasing sophistication and reducing cost. Fortunately the specialists at Intertronics and their partners at I & J Fisnar have yet again proven well up to the task. Their latest 7900-LF machine is a fully RoHS compliant compact 3-axis Dispensing Robot with a sizeable work area of 200x200mm and a Z-axis of 50mm. This makes it an economic bench top solution to many dispensing problems since its strategic pricing makes the decision to automate dispensing applications an affordable option for companies, large or small, in manufacturing or research.
The Resolution is 0.02mm per axis and up to 100 programs can be stored in the robot’s data memory and/or flash card. An optional windows software package can be used for greater storage, editing and conversion of CAD files.
Interpolation is possible in all axes permitting any dispensing path such as gasket beads and auto-fill areas. The I&J7900-LF can apply dots, lines, circles, and eclipses in any point-to-point or continuous path configuration. This makes it ideal for form-in-place gaskets, adhesives, potting, cooling, filling and many other dispensing projects requiring flexibility together with optimal cost/performance package. Further information regarding Intertronics’ products can be found at