
Agilent Technologies Expands Capabilities of 6000ILM AFM for Micro- and Nanoscale Life Science Research

9th December 2011
ES Admin
Agilent Technologies Inc. has announced an expanded set of capabilities for its popular 6000ILM atomic force microscope. Designed to facilitate molecular imaging, live-cell imaging, force studies and mechanical stimulus studies, the Agilent 6000ILM AFM is a versatile single-system solution that seamlessly integrates the capabilities of an atomic force microscope with those of an inverted light microscope or an inverted confocal microscope.
Additions to the 6000ILM platform include an incubator perfusion cell sample plate, advanced force-volume spectroscopy capabilities, and top-view video optics.

The impetus for extending the capabilities of the 6000ILM AFM was to put increasingly powerful and useful tools into the hands of life science researchers, said Jeff Jones, operations manager for Agilent's nanoinstrumentation facility in Chandler, Ariz. The ability to utilize force-volume spectroscopy or to perform simultaneous optical and AFM imaging under precisely controlled liquid or gaseous environmental conditions, for instance, immediately expands experimental horizons.

To facilitate dynamic studies in fluid, Agilent has made available a new 6000ILM perfusion cell sample plate that provides continuous perfusion, offers variable flow-through and maintains liquid level. When even more control is required, Agilent also offers a new 6000ILM incubator perfusion cell sample plate that boasts a sealed chamber, in and out ports for flow-through of liquids and gases, and the ability to heat to 40 C. With these solutions, researchers can maintain cell viability for up to eight hours. The 6000ILM also supports a number of specially designed sample plates that accommodate cover slips, microscope slides or petri dishes, as well as a controlled-temperature sample plate with heating to 80 C.

Moreover, Agilent's PicoView software now gives 6000ILM system users an extensive range of AFM force-volume spectroscopy capabilities. Results are fast and reliable. Researchers can use their own algorithms and plug-ins, select their own data points on the fly, acquire force-curve measurements on any data point, and change experimental parameters in real time.

The state-of-the-art 6000ILM system can now also be configured with a brand new top-view video optics package that includes a color camera, enabling researchers to see opaque samples during scanning. The system also gives users the ability to view AFM tip placement from above, which aids positioning and focusing.

Additional advantages of the 6000ILM platform include unrivaled in-liquid AFM imaging via Agilent's patented MAC Mode and real-time molecular recognition imaging via Agilent's exclusive PicoTREC toolkit.

For ease of use, the 6000ILM utilizes a computer-controlled laser with automated photodetector alignment. A high-stability, low-noise, motorized stage directs the movement of the sample beneath the AFM tip for measurement. Powerful yet easy-to-use PicoView software provides impressive built-in system functionality, such as point-and-shoot AFM imaging based on an optical image as well as the rapid creation of precisely registered overlays of fluorescence/DIC and AFM images - valuable capabilities that are standard with every 6000ILM.

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